Forgan House Offices

Forgan House is a Category C Listed building within the St Andrews Conservation area and the refurbishment was the third and final phase of a series of office refurbishments carried out for The R&A in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

The existing office accommodation was cellular and dated by current standards, the project focussed on the creation of more efficient open plan areas, co-working environments and improved staff facilities throughout.

Most dramatically, the 2018/19 refurbishment saw the ground floor of the building transformed to house a new public entrance / reception point, a staff break out and working area, and a variable configuration meeting and conference suite.

Wellwood Leslie completed a feasibility investigation to establish the future potential of the building which formed the basis of a planning and listed building consent application package. Wellwood Leslie then proceeded to deliver the project, acting as lead consultant, through to completion and occupation in early 2019. 

Location / St Andrews, Fife
Client / The R&A
Status / Completion in 2019
Sector / Corporate & Commercial / Golf & Leisure